Search Help

Use the following menus to search for accessions in the database:

- Browse database

   This menu offers you the possibility to browse the whole database, moving from one to page the other.

Here you will see how AfricaRice accession numbers are named (starting from WAB0000001 to WAB0022273 and plus).

The system uses wildcards (*) so you can simply type the starting string to be much closer to the result you expect.

- Per accession Name

In this search menu you need to type the name of the accession fully or part of the accession name to be searched. The system uses wild cards to search for the beginning clause or the containing clause.

For example : if you type in the text box WAB450 and you enter, the system will list all the accessions starting with WAB450, likeWAB450-11-1-1-P1-HB,WAB450-I-B-P-106-HB etc. or it list also accession with the name containing the same string.

You do not need to add wild cards when typing the string to search for.

Do not type this:


or this %WAB450%

But type simply this:


And the system does the rest for you.

- Per accession Number

This option helps to searching for accessions by typing in the text box the full accession number or part of the it.

- Per Taxonomy

Select in the drop down menu the type of specie you want to search for.

- Per country of origin

This option helps to searching for accessions by selecting the country or origin in the drop down menu.

- Searching for request

If you want to request for seeds, you need login(if not register first from the home page), select the accessions needed, put in you cart and make your request.
